The Food Reset Challenge

Time to reset your kitchen, purge the old and start fresh with a new template!

The Food Reset Challenge
For vibrant health for you and your kids.

A FREE 3 day event to zoom out, get organized, build a framework and reset your approach in the kitchen! 

The Food Reset Challenge

Time to reset your kitchen, purge the old and start fresh with a new template!

The Food Reset Challenge! 

For vibrant health for you and your kids.

A 3 day event to zoom out, get organized, build a framework and reset your approach in the kitchen! 

For parents, working professionals, and college and grad students alike who are ready to shake things up with their health, get organized in the kitchen, and excited to have a new plan and new ideas. Look, our lives are driven by screen time and convenience food. Let’s take a step back and change the narrative around food.


(Yes, this FREE 3 day Food Reset is virtual so you can join from anywhere in the world, and it’s the kind of screen time that’s actually nourishing and meaningful!)


This is about hitting reset, and committing to making and sourcing the most nourishing food available. 

Here’s the thing —

Food and health is not about perfection or strict rules. It's about getting the foundations down, building rituals, habits and routines that work for you and your family. It also doesn't have to be complicated or overwhelming. You don’t need to go to cooking school for 2 years (like I did) in order to provide really nourishing and delicious meals for yourself and your family that support your lifestyle + health goals. 

This is about hitting reset, and committing to making and sourcing the most nourishing food available. 

Here’s the thing —

Food and health is not about perfection or strict rules. It's about getting the foundations down, building rituals, habits and routines that work for you and your family. It also doesn't have to be complicated or overwhelming. You don’t need to go to cooking school for 2 years (like I did) in order to provide really nourishing and delicious meals for yourself and your family that support your lifestyle + health goals. 

Here’s the plan

Think of this week as appetizers for my Family Food Reset Cooking Course!

IN THIS 3-DAY VIDEO SERIES, we’re going to take a step back and get organized. We’ll turn the music up and start with the Deep Clean challenge! Then get cooking together, so you can feel empowered, and put the fun back into cooking, with your new set of tools in your apron. 

From putting groceries away like a pro, to my go-to packed lunches (that get gobbled up everytime), to how to make the perfect frittata, you and your kids will be eager to jump into the kitchen and get cooking! 

Here’s the plan

Think of this week as appetizers for my Family Food Reset Cooking Course!


IN THIS 3-DAY VIDEO SERIES, we’re going to take a step back and get organized. We’ll turn the music up and start with the Deep Clean challenge! Then get cooking together, so you can feel empowered, and put the fun back into cooking, with your new set of tools in your apron. 

From putting groceries away like a pro, to my go-to packed lunches (that get gobbled up everytime), to how to make the perfect frittata, you and your kids will be eager to jump into the kitchen and get cooking! 

Here’s what will happen in the next 3 days

As you journey with me into changing the way we feel about food and cooking.

P.S. This is awesome to do with kids!!


Day One

Deep Clean Challenge!

Yes! Let’s clean together!! Let’s take this opportunity to get organized and set you up for success in my Family Food Reset Cooking Course. Before we even get started let’s deep clean our kitchens, fridges, cupboards and pantries! Purge the old and get ready to restock!

Day Two

Putting away groceries like a pro

Want your herbs and greens to last? Want to have already prepped a bunch within minutes of getting home? Want to look in the fridge on a Tuesday night and realize, “Oh, ya! I did that already. I’ve got options!”

List of 10 things to prep right after putting them away

From cleaning garlic, peeling onions, or marinating meat, seafood, tofu or seitan you’re off and running with your prep! 

Recipes to make that will last the week and make things delish!

Just one or two sauces or condiments are like gold when you’re putting together meals. I’ll set you up with a few to get going!

Day Three

The Basics. Mise en place. Knife Skills and cooking with kids!

This is a sneak peak inside my cooking course, The Family Food Reset Cooking Course!

Aaand, since you have been asking: I’m going to include a link to:

5 Ideas for off-the-beaten-path packed lunches

Sushi? Isn’t it too much work? No! So easy. We’ll dive into some of my go-to’s for packed lunches that will nourish you at work, or your kids at school! Imagine a packed lunch that will make your day!

Don’t miss this opportunity to really take a look at where you’re at and reset for a healthy and delicious rest of the year and beyond!


(This is a recorded event you can watch on your own time!)

Aran may be the most knowledgeable person that I have ever met when it comes to food, but also the most passionate in creating nourishing family meals that fit the Weston A. Price philosophy of whole food nutrition. I would (and do) trust any of his recipes and recommendations for friends & family because they come from a rock-solid foundation of health principles
- Dr. Alex Lee (Florida)

Hi, I’m Aran!

I remember coming home on Friday nights, from basketball practice as a teenager. I often walked in the door and smelled the chicken soup with Matzo balls my mom was making. Before even walking in the door, it was like getting a warm loving hug from her, just through that smell. Out of the 5 siblings, I was the most curious and would stand at our little kitchen island and help my mom pick the chicken from the bones and sneak bites along the way. In a big family, I relished this alone time with her. 

What memories do you want to create with your kids? Or what memories do you want to rekindle from childhood now that you’re living on your own?

Some of my most fond childhood memories involve the time I spent in the kitchen with my mom and dad. From the lasagna, tacos night, and chicken soup with my mom, to the stir frys in the wok or grilling with my Dad, I seemed to always be in the kitchen around meal time. I’m almost 40 and many memories seem to be fading, but not the ones around food. Those are so clear and vivid to all my senses… the smells and tastes, and the feeling of safety and love when we were together around a table. 

What do you want your kids to remember? 
What do you want to remember?


Hi, I’m Aran!

I remember coming home on Friday nights, from basketball practice as a teenager. I often walked in the door and smelled the chicken soup with Matzo balls my mom was making. Before even walking in the door, it was like getting a warm loving hug from her, just through that smell. Out of the 5 siblings, I was the most curious and would stand at our little kitchen island and help my mom pick the chicken from the bones and sneak bites along the way. In a big family, I relished this alone time with her. 

What memories do you want to create with your kids? Or what memories do you want to rekindle from childhood now that you’re living on your own?

Some of my most fond childhood memories involve the time I spent in the kitchen with my mom and dad. From the lasagna, tacos night, and chicken soup with my mom, to the stir frys in the wok or grilling with my Dad, I seemed to always be in the kitchen around meal time. I’m almost 40 and many memories seem to be fading, but not the ones around food. Those are so clear and vivid to all my senses… the smells and tastes, and the feeling of safety and love when we were together around a table. 

What do you want your kids to remember? 
What do you want to remember?


If you are looking for someone to help you understand how diet and lifestyle interact with your health and wellbeing, please contact Chef Aran Goldstein.  My husband and I are on a clear path to improve our overall health thanks to him.  Chef Aran’s nutritional knowledge comes alive in his virtual cooking classes.  He explains concepts in a friendly, non-judgmental way and provides options to improve food choices.  We have implemented and prioritized his subtle tweaks to our diet without feeling that we are giving up the foods we like.  We now look for sourced meats, fish, and organic fruits and vegetables.  We look forward to our weekly cooking class, and highly recommend Chef Aran to anyone who wants to find positive ways to improve their health and wellbeing.  
- Anne and Ed (Massachusetts)